

Quests are tasks you need to complete in order to earn exp and level up your skills. You can create quests yourself or use quests connected to resources you learn. Quests are located in their own page, where they are shown on a Kanban-like board and divided into four groups: Unplanned, Planned, In Progress and Completed.

  • Unplanned: ordinary quests without specific dates.
  • Planned: quests with start and end dates. If you don't complete a planned quest before the end date, quest will be automatically failed.
  • In Progress: quests that have been started but haven't been completed yet. Only on quest can be active at a time.
  • Completed: quests that have been completed.

You can hide or show respective group columns at the top of the quests page.


  1. Quests can have title and description (you should write an action in the title, and, if you need, explain it in more words in the description).
  2. Quests can be connected to a resource. There are two ways to create this connection: from resource or from quest. You can create a quest on a resource page - this quest will become a template that will be shown as connected on a resource page. Other users can accept it, and a copy of this quest will be created and will appear on their quests page, ready to be started. Only the top 5 quests will be shown by default, and the top is defined on the accepted/completed number and ratio. Some connected quests are created automatically on resource creation, for example, every resource will have a “Complete <resource title>” quest with predefined parameters. If you connect a resource from a quest, quest params and constraints will be defined based on the connected resource. A resource connected this way can be changed anytime.
  3. Quests can have conditions. Any quest can have a duration condition, or how long, minimum, you must do this quest. For example, if your condition is 15 minutes, you cannot complete a quest until the quest timer shows 15 minutes. Also, quests with a connected resource can have a fraction condition, or how much of the resource you will learn by completing this quest. When you complete a quest with a fraction condition, this fraction is added to the resource`s progress.
  4. Only planned quests have a start and end. Start represents the date where you should start execution of your quest, and the end represents the date until which you must complete it. If you add start and end to an unplanned quest, it becomes planned and moves to another column. You must add both start and end. If you know the start date but doesn't know the end date, just pick the date approximately and update it later. When the start date comes, the quest will start blinking. If you don't start it until the end date comes, the quest will automatically fail, and you won't be able to change it or get any exp. Also, you can filter your planned quests column by date in any time range.
  5. Quests have connected skills. By default there aren't ant connected skills. If you connect a resource to a quest, skils that are currentlt connected to this resource will be connected to a quest. You can still change these skills, and after completion you will get exp for skills that are connected to a quest.

Execution and completion

Quests can, and should, be executed. You can start, stop and complete your quests. When you start a quest, it moves to the In Progress column, and the timer starts ticking. You cannot execute more than one quest at a time. If you need to do another quest or are just tired but you are not ready to complete the current quest just press the stop button - it will freeze the timer and allow you to do another quest. When all conditions are met, the “complete” button appears, and you can press it to complete the quest and get the exp.

Completion of both types of quests grants exp to quest's connected skills. There are a lot of different factors that have an impact on the final results: total execution time, conditions, fractions, etc. Skills that are learned every day get exp bonus, that grows with the number of days. A connected resource also grants bonuses for quality, difficulty and size. If some skill is connected to a resource, but not to a quest, this skill will not get any of the resource's exp bonuses.


Quests can have subquests. Subquest gets the parent quest skills on creation, but they can be changed. Subquest's fraction condition represents a fraction of the parent quest instead of a resource's fraction. When a subquest is completed, the subquest's fraction is added to the parent quest`s progress. Subquests can have subquests too, and you can make as many subquest layers as you wish.


Quests can be repeated.

  • For unplanned quests only the number of repeats can be specified. When you complete an unplanned quest, a new one with the same properties will be created(if repeats are not exhausted).
  • For planned quests, aside from the number of repeats, you can specify a repeat template. In general, a repeat template specifies the time between repeats in different forms. When you create a planned quest with the repeat template, this template is applied immediately and all repeats are created together, with different start and end dates according to the template. Then, you can alter or delete these quests separately or together, by choosing respective options in the delete and update submenus.