

Resources is a crowd-sourced database of educational resources on the internet and the physical world. Anything that contains knowledge can be a resource, for example books, articles, videos, courses, lectures and any other. Any user can add a resource or offer information for the already added resource. Also any user can rate resources quality and difficulty, or leave a comment (comments can be rated too, making them a good place for useful reviews). A resource can be added to user resources - like a combination of a reading list and bookmarks, but for resources of any type, where users can keep track of their resources progress. And, of course, resources can be searched on the resources page, with an extensive set of filters and sorts.


Resources can contain:

  1. Essential info: Title, description, language, size, type, edition, cover. These fields can be submitted upon initial creation. Any user can submit an update offer for any of these fields. These update offers can be seen in the resource update panel and voted for or against by other users.
  2. Links: Because a resource cannot contain the resource content itself (it would be illegal), any user can submit links to that resource on other sites, platforms or shops. These links must be valid and lead to the exact same resource. Even if it is only slightly different (edition differs, for example) you should create a new resource and submit your link there. Users can report any link as inappropriate or broken and this link will be removed when a certain number of submitted reports are reached.
  3. Producers: Producers are people or organizations that participated in the creation of the resource. A resource can have authors, publishers, channels, sponsors, etc. as producers. They are added separately by users (user must provide a name and a description of a producer for that), and if the submitted producer is already in the system by another name or pseudonym or has info in a different language, AI will automatically merge them. Every producer has their own page, where users can see all of the resources in creation of which this producer participated (if these resources are in the system, of course). Producers can be reported the same way as links.
  4. Related resources: Resources can be related to each other in a number of different ways: the same resource in different languages, different editions of the same resource, part of a series, criticism, reaction, transcription and many others. Related resources are submitted and reported the same way as links.
  5. Lessons: Resources with the “Course” data type can have lessons that are essentially the same as related resources but with their own logic (progress of the lessons is carried over to the course's progress, for example).

Skills and Quests can also be connected to a resource. Connected skills represent skills you will progress by completing this resource, and connected quests are templates you can use to instantly know how to learn this resource exactly.


Any user can offer an update for a resource. Updates can be viewed in the update sheet (click Show (number) updates button to open it). You can filter shown updates by field, action and status. Also, you can vote positively or negatively for any update offered by other users. When the balance of votes (poitive - negative) reaches a certain number, offer is automatically accepted. If the balance is negative, offer is rejected. Required number of votes depends on the number of users that are studying this resource.

To offer a new update, click button. You can select any field of the resource or skills configuration to update. After selection, input new value of the selected field and leave a comment to justify why you think this new value is better or more accurate. Leaving a comment is not necessary, but greatly increases chances of update offer being accepted. Updates for fields that currently don't have values are accepted immediately, without voting.

Although updates for connected entities (links, producers, related resources, quests) can be viewed and voted for in the updates sheet, updates for them and new connections can be offered only from their respective sections on the resource page. For example, to offer a new link, click in the Links section. If there is already any pending update for this section, this button will look like . In the opened dropdown, click View updates to view updates only for this section, or Create new to offer a new connected entity. If you want to update or remove a connected entity, click on the button of that entity.

Public and Private

Resources can be public or private. By default all resources are public, and when you create a public resource, even for yourself to learn, you enrich a database. Everyone can see it, learn it or offer an update. When you create a private resource, only you and people you invited can see this resource (invite links are automatically generated and shown in the resource page), and you can update it as you want. Because the system exists on a foundation of a Community, and actions of one benefit the other, any user can only create 3 private resources. Otherwise, it would be too tempting to create only private resources and never create public ones. Private resources can be needed, though, if you want to add a private lecture or closed event and get exp from them. If you need more than 3 private resources, you can subscibe and sponsor the platform. It also benefits the community, but in another way.